Optimize Your Eating According to Your Genes
Forget one-size-fits-all nutritional guidance.
Nutrigenomics uses genomic tools and genetic information to address issues important to nutrition and health. The main goal of nutrigenomics is to prevent chronic disease by examining how the interaction between genes and diet can positively influence human health. The protein products of our genes (enzymes, transporters, receptors, hormones etc.) interact with components of the food we eat to influence our nutritional status. Genetic variation results in multiple versions of genes, which can lead to differences in the amount of proteins produced and how efficiently proteins function. Genetic differences can affect how we respond to the foods we eat, giving each of us our own specific nutritional needs.
Benefits of Nutrigenomics
Motivation: research shows that providing people with information about their genes motivates them to incorporate more healthful dietary habits.
Personalized Recommendations: a genetics test is an additional tool to help you develop a personalized nutritional plan to better optimize your nutritional status and focus on preventing diseases that you may be at risk for. The recommendations can help:
Improve body composition
Identify potential food intolerance
Help determine your individual nutrient requirements
There are two different genomics packages offered:
Athletic Performance: this package was created to help athletes enhance performance and provide information from 45 genetic markers that help fine-tune the nutritional requirements for performance. The test can also help you determine where are your performance strengths.
Health and Wellness: this package will help you determine how your body responds to the food you eat and exercise. The test can help you solidify for your plan for weight loss and/or body composition goals, heart health, food intolerances, nutrient metabolism and eating habits.
Food Intolerance Risks:
Eating Habits:
Fat Taste Perception
Sugar Preference
Eating Between Meals
Fitness & Physical Activity:
Motivation to Exercise
Exercise Behavior
Power and Strength
Achilles Tendon Injury
Each package tests the same research-backed 45 genetic markers:
Nutrient Metabolism:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Cardiometabolic Health:
Whole Grains
Omega-3 Fat
Saturated Fat
Weight Management:
Energy Balance
Physical Activity
Total Fat
Saturated and Unsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Fat
Collection: saliva collection using a cheek swab
Test Results: ~3 weeks
Follow Up Testing: none (one-and-done test)