Advanced hormone testing
Comprehensive View of Sex Hormones, Cortisol Pattern, Neurotransmitters, Nutrients & Oxidative Stress
The DUTCH Plus™ takes hormone testing to a whole new level with the analysis of 35 different hormones. In addition to sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH Complete looks at the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites. The DUTCH Plus adds the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to bring another important piece of the HPA-axis into focus.
The DUTCH Test is incorporated as part of the comprehensive approach to the nutritional programming that helps evaluate other factors to consider related to weight and health goals. Hormonal imbalances are only targeted via nutritional and lifestyle (not medical) strategies.
Estrogen Metabolites
Androgen Metabolites
Progesterone Metabolites
Cortisol Awakening Response
The diurnal pattern of Free Cortisol and Cortisone
The Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR):
When we open our eyes upon waking, cortisol levels naturally begin to rise by an average of 50%. 30 minutes after waking, cortisol levels will still show this sharp increase. By 60 minutes after waking, cortisol levels have peaked and begin to decline. Measuring this rise and fall of cortisol levels at waking can be used as a “mini stress test”. Research shows that the size of this increase correlates with HPA-axis function, even if the sample measurements are all within range. A quick saturation of saliva swabs upon waking, and at 30 and 60 minutes after waking, provide what is required to assess your Cortisol Awakening Response.
Organic Acid Test (OATs)
OATs are metabolic intermediates that are produced in pathways of energy production, neurotransmitter breakdown, detoxification and gut microbial activity. When specific OATs are found accumulating, this could signal an insufficiency, which can relate to toxicity, a nutritional deficiency or inherited enzyme inefficiency. These OATs are the primary metabolite of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Those with an imbalance in these neurotransmitters may experience symptoms that are also common with an imbalance in hormones. Hormones (cortisol and estrogen are examples) included in DUTCH testing also directly alter some of these metabolites, so their inclusion provides an even more comprehensive picture of your hormone health.
Benefits of advanced hormone testing
Track & Evaluate Hormone Levels: with sex hormones, measuring estrogen and androgen metabolites gives a more complete picture for a more precise evaluation of any hormonal imbalances. This will help make sure that they are at optimum balance.
Evaluate Adrenal Patterns: read more here.
Measure Nutritional Organic Acids: these organic acids act as functional markers of nutrient deficiency. When the body has inadequate cellular levels of vitamin B12, vitamin B6 or glutathione, levels of their corresponding organic acid build up and spill into the urine. In some cases, these markers are more effective than measuring the nutrient directly.
Target Insomnia: measurement of free cortisol values throughout the day (including at bedtime), overnight melatonin production, progesterone levels, VMA and an insomnia cortisol measurement offer valuable additional information about what could be causing sleep disturbances.
Test Details
Collection: 4 dried urine samples and 5 saliva samples over the course of one day (from waking to bed time)
Test Results: ~8-10 business days
Follow Up Testing: every ~3-4 months