Genomic insight™
High-complexity DNA Testing, Science & Current Research
Unlike any other DNA test on the market, Genomic Insight™ uses the most advanced artificial intelligence to allow clinicians unique insight into an individual’s genomics. This comprehensive functional DNA test reports on over 5,000 individual genetic markers called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms; pronounced ‘snips’).
With these SNPs, there are therapeutic recommendations provided that are backed by the latest medical literature. Because Genomic Insight is artificial intelligence, the genomic data is always in “real time.” This means that as research advances, the individual’s genomic data are continually updated because the latest medical-literature databases and meta-data sets are used.
Data from Genomic Insight™ informatics uses the latest medical literature to provide relevant information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence a individual’s SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk. Furthermore, pharmacogenomic results included in the profile allow for prediction of the individual’s “response” to various medications - therefore, allowing more targeted medication prescription.
What Are SNPs?
SNPs, which are very common and what make us each unique, are major types of genetic variations in which at some point in the genome there was a variation in DNA (specifically, one of the letters: A, T, C or G) that changed from what was “normal” or expected. For example, a SNP with a ‘T’ at a particular location in our DNA instead of a ‘C,” which is what would normally be expected. Many SNPs affect the function, expression or activity level of the proteins that perform important functions in our body.
There are many SNPs that are associated with certain increased risks for specific health outcomes, conditions or diseases. This does not mean that someone will get a particular health outcome, condition or disease. It simply means they have a greater susceptibility. There are also SNPs that may help protect against a disease, but that does not mean that the individual will for sure not acquire a particular disease. It simply means they have a protective factor that is in their favor and, subsequently, an advantage.
Research has demonstrated that the impact of harmful SNPs may be reduced via personalized nutritional, lifestyle and medical approaches.
Genes Load the Gun & The Environment Pulls the Trigger
Our genes are not diagnoses or our destiny. We cannot change our genes or SNPs, but we cannot influence their impact on our health (or expression) through factors related to nutrition, lifestyle and environment. This is called ‘epigenetics.’ The goal is to positively influence any risk-carrying SNPs through appropriate and practical nutritional, environmental and lifestyle factors.
Evaluation of Over 12 Key Areas of Health
Areas of health that can be investigated include, but are not limited to:
Metabolic Syndrome
Mitochondrial Health
Sex Hormones
Cardiovascular Health
Estrogen Metabolism
Benefits of genomic insight™
Customizable, real-time informatics that can evaluate one area of health or many in one test
Data-driven insights into how a patient may respond to therapeutic or lifestyle changes
Constantly updating researched-based data powered by Opus23 Explorer™ software
Personalized nutritional, lifestyle and environmental strategies to lower risk for disease and optimize health
Data: after receiving the data, Katie will invest a lot of time combing through the results to put together the Initial Report.
Initial Report: this is the first part that focuses on 3-4 areas of health that are specifically relevant to the individual’s needs or concerns and that will be discussed and agreed upon with the individual beforehand. The report will be discussed with the client, which includes:
The explanation of each SNP;
The SNPs potential impact on health; and
Interventions related to nutritional, lifestyle and environmental factors that clinical research has shown to impact the expression of the SNPs.
Other Use: emphasis is on using the data over time as not all of the information will be relevant to a client at one time. For long-term clients, the data will be a resource for Katie when clues are needed to help resolve a client’s need.
Optional Continuation/Extra Reports: after the Initial Report, clients have the option - over time - to continue with other areas of health that they would like Katie to investigate and provide a discussion about as well as a report. The investigation of specific areas is highly individualized as it is dependent upon the client’s needs and desires.
Data Privacy:
The Genetic Information NonDiscrimination Act (GINA) was enacted in 2008 and protects you from being discriminated against by employers and health insurance companies as a result of your genetics. The GINA Act was created to protect your genetic health information, and to allow patients access to protected, personalized medicine.
Neither Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory nor On Your Mark Nutrition, LLC share any patient data with third parties for commercial use.
Additionally, we will never disclose or share your Genetic Information or Self-Reported Health Status with insurance companies or employers.
Test Details
Collection: cheek swab for saliva.
Test Results: 2-3 weeks
Follow Up Testing: none (one-and-done test)
Follow Up Reports: after the Initial Report, there is an option to continue with further reports on other areas of health.